Friday 25 September 2015

BIG guy big heart. Never forget your conviction and promises to the People in Singapore.

鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利   Big Fish Eats Small Fishes



这些新政客根本不知道在政治或是商场上站住脚必须要有诚信。君无戏言,明明在闭门会议已经达成共识怎么能够在众人面前同意不来三角战,然而一转身即刻变脸扬言挑衅!过后又一而再再而三不停地在背后搞小动作四处放话说新加坡民主联盟一定会输掉安馈金! 现在好了,大选一结束大家不必你一句我一句因为选站成绩和数据是不会撒谎的所以大家不妨看看以下的成绩单清清楚楚再数一遍由林睦荃主席所率领的团队新加坡民主联盟 (SDA) 在2015 年 9 月11 日当晚以 0.03% 险胜新加坡人民党(SPP) 紧追在工人党(WP)与新加坡民主党(SDP)屈居第三名!到底是谁跌得比较重呢?是谁在还没学会走路却想飞呢?有没有感觉酸酸的?

林睦荃说:“胜败乃兵家常事,无论胜败这一切的一切并不是为妥协而是为了不让选民失望和避免三角战。为此我党只能割爱将自己的党内候选人的人选并主动好意的向对方提议让他们派两位候选人加入我们的团队。谁知道对方不但不领情还在提名日前几天打电话跟我提议我党候选人包裹我在内加入他们的政党。然后在他们的政党旗下竞选白沙榜鹅集选区! 理由是我林睦荃曾经输掉两次安馈金,我和我党的候选人素质和名声没有他们的党那么声势浩大;就凭着他们自认自己是社会名流并不表示他们高我们一等就可以这么嚣张。”

政治是一门很深奥的学问,不是你以前在什么总理公署当过什么高官就可以雄霸天下。你可以狐假虎威欺负小小党甚至四处搞小动作引起我们党内的一些党员对林睦荃的误解和不满,当中也引起了一些误会与纷争因此他不得不在之前的策略做了一些变动。其实,最可恶的是这些人不晓得他们这些举动甚至可能导致主席的生命安全受到了威胁(所幸的是还好在竞选期间没有任何意外事故发生)。从政的意义所在不是为国为民吗?那个菜鸟政党宝宝下重本砸大钱到底居心何在?不是吧?别跟我说是因为选总统选不到所以一直吞不下那口气?老兄您都几岁了?请息怒,我可是一个合格的选民因此我有责任选对的人只可惜你不是陈清木医生嘛!我一直以为票本就该投给能人 – 一个能一心一意为国为民着想的好领袖与团队。执政党执政,在野党就扮演监督所有的政策与改变,有什么不妥大家可以提出来讨论不要再有一党独大的画面。想当初还亏有人不知羞耻的说如果林睦荃不妥协的话那么他扬言自己也没有能力阻止他的党员和支持者来三角战更没有办法阻止他们继续的进行破坏行动!
大家万万没想到除了行动党以外,各大反对党明明已经说好各做各的也绝不陷入多角战。。。工人党做到了,新加坡民主党也说到做到。本以为不妥协就能让眼前这位无理取闹的过气公务员就此罢休谁知道那家伙过后还是继续的组织团队,准备在提名日,参加竞选。 既然到了这个局面,林睦荃就只好到处探听消息然后就直接去找他们"自杀团队"的其中一位成员谈一谈。皇天不负有心人他最终说服了其中一名队员加入我们的团队。有没有看过电影”无间道“?这,不叫变节而是上苍决定为正义,以其人之生幻之其人之道让这个政坛宝宝组不成队伍参选。地球是圆的,人心险恶不到最后一分钟鹿死谁手全由大选成绩单来决定什么人应该反省,学会怎么尊重别人。得民心者得天下,路遥知马力日久见人心更何况是个未满周年的新生代!
记得我曾与大家分享自己在大选过后疲惫不堪,我说我的身体很累但我的脑袋依旧精力充沛吗?原来我并不孤单,本以为林睦荃会像其他人一样因败选而消失但是他不但没有躲起来(有人真的在第一时间听到丹绒巴葛被执政党轻轻松松被拿下就没了下文),我从计票中心一路回到聚集点的时候林睦荃与团队竟然正在落落大方地忙着跟CNA与各大媒体在会议室里开记者会!他说:“虽然我党没有中选,但是这次的大选成绩也让那些平时不服务选民到了大选时随意组织政党再来插旗的政客一个很好的信息;也证明了给那些在大选前自认高我党与我一等的政客知道我们不如他们之前所说的那样差! 事实证明了我们的成绩并不比他们逊色。”

好人主席,要记得君无戏言噢!虽然你习惯每次都不还手那请继续加油,永不言败。你若放弃,我想我的理念不会实现。有你就有 Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA)。你是最好的!

/JT (张玉华)
Fri 27 Sep 02:05am

Saturday 22 August 2015

Temporary SDA Blog has shifted

Thank you for your interest in our news and events.

We are pleased to announce that our SDA Website has been revamped, and you can continue to catch our news, updates, messages and events here:

Sunday 16 August 2015

Outreach Walkabout at Punggol Plaza on 16 Aug 2015

Yesterday morning at 9.00am, the SDA Team gathered at the foodcourt at Punggol Plaza where they spoke with the journalists before heading out for their Outreach Walkabout. A short briefing was conducted by Chairman Desmond Lim, following which, the SDA Team began their interaction with the residents at 9.30am sharp.

These familiar faces in their signature lime green tops were being welcomed by the patrons - until they were being informed by the mall management that they could not conduct Outreach Walkabout here - in Punggol Plaza itself.

As such, the efficient and well-prepared team, who has also previously been "chased out" at certain shopping malls before - hence deprived of the opportunity to reach out to the retailers and residents to gather feedback and offer their services - immediately split into 4 groups and continued their Outreach along the pavement outside Punggol Plaza, in the relentless heat.

Despite the fact that most of the residents were passer-bys, most of them actually stopped by to chit chat with the SDA Team, discuss the issues addressed in the Flyers together, as well as share their opinions and feedback.  

The residents-  regardless of age, ethnic group or gender - were all very welcoming and encouraging. Many of them felt outraged that the SDA Team was being asked to stop conducting their interaction sessions in the shopping itself.  "When you take over, please remember your promise for democracy and allow all parties to conduct their outreach fairly," a supportive *Mr. Teng (name changed to protect privacy) told the team, using the word "when" instead of "if" to show his confidence in the SDA Team working hard for their rights.

Others complained about the 6.9 million population and told the SDA Team that they would not support it. "We cannot live in dreamland anymore! Increase in population means more foreigners here to take away our jobs, houses, culture, identity and rights! Tell me what I can do to help prevent that!" *Mr. Mohan (name changed to protect privacy) told the team, adamant to play his part as a Singaporean to preserve with rightfully belongs to us.

Some residents voiced out their unhappiness about the lack of infrastructure in Punggol area and how it pertains to a national issue. "I have been staying here for close to 6 years - and still need to take bus when I do my daily market-going. One small area, they also cannot handle well - will the upcoming estates in Punggol have enough infrastructure as well?" *Veronica (name changed to protect privacy). "Now with more and more people coming in at this rate, it's going to be even harder for infrastructure to accommodate everyone!"

Despite the fact that the SDA Team has been deviated from their original plan of conducting Outreach Walkabout in the mall itself, the alternative arrangement has been way more fruitful actually - allowing residents to chat with the members at their own pace and time, providing quality feedback and encouragement.

These photographs only depict one out of the 4 split teams this morning, because there was only one photographer.  At the other 3 corners, the rest of the members were enjoying equal success and quality bonding time with the residents, many of whom are confident that this time round, major changes (for the better) are going to take place, and we will regain a Singapore for Singaporeans!

Saturday 15 August 2015

Walkabout at Blk 231 Pasir Ris Street 21

This morning at 9.30am without fail, the SDA Team members and Shadow Town Councillors gathered at the void deck of Blk 231 Pasir Ris Street 21 - today's chosen designation for outreach walkabout - for a briefing session. In order to conduct the walkabout more efficiently and maximise the personal touch, Chairman Desmond divided the team into pairs to work closely together.

The team has with them resident volunteers Mr. S. Wong and wife, who were there early to meet and greet the friendly SDA Team, and offered words of encouragement. Mr. Wong would also be joining the team for the Outreach Walkabout session, to get a better understanding of how the SDA Team walks the grounds, as well as offering his valuable assistance.

After a short town council training session by Desmond Lim, the team rode the elevator up to Level 13, the highest floor of this block, to start off the Outreach interaction with the residents.  All the members proudly carried the newest issue of the SDA Flyer,  to distribute to the residents who were at home, and leave at the doors of those who have missed the party's visit.

Many residents were curious at what the SDA Team could do for them if they get elected. To address that concern, and to assure the residents, the SDA Team assured the residents that they would certainly put a curb to the increase in population by injection of foreign immigrants, and would also duly look into CPF, healthcare, education, transport and employment issues that are currently the bane of many Singaporeans' lives currently.

The SDA Team also informed the residents that they would step up on communications between the team (as their future elected MP and town council) and the residents, conducting more regular visits, meet-the-people sessions as well as block parties so as to foster a closer bond between everyone in the estate. With a closer bond, people will be able to forge a stronger sense of National Identity, as Singaporeans unite together to work toward a better Singapore for themselves.

The solutions and ideas proposed by the SDA Team were received with warm welcome by the residents of the block, who gladly opened up their doors to interact on a closer level with the SDA Team, doing away with all barriers that would hinder their quality interaction. Some residents even invited the Team into their abode for tea and deeper discussions about the issues on hand, as well as possibility of volunteering their assistance.

With these warm reception by the residents, the SDA Team felt encouraged, appreciated and grateful, and will fight harder to win the battle so that they will have the opportunity to serve the residents here, understand their problems and be there voices in parliament. The people were right - what they need are down-to-earth people who are sincere in serving people, not elites who try to see their plights from cushy seats high above, yet purporting to try their best to address their concerns.

Feedback was gathered and new friendship was built during today's house visits with the residents. Whatever is within the SDA's ability to render assistance, the Team is looking into it.  Whatever is beyond our power to do so currently, do give us an opportunity to serve you and bring about improvements to your quality of life - to rebuild a "Singapore for Singaporeans", truly.  Your Say Matters - and your vote is your voice!

The Outreach Walkabout session concluded at 12.25pm, where the SDA Team gathered for a photoshoot after debrief, thereafter heading off to prepare for tomorrow's Outreach Walkabout session at Punggol area.  Thank you Mr. Wong for joining us today, and the valuable suggestions after your keen observations - hope to have you with us more often!

Today's outreach walkabout session is covered by SDA's field journalist, Elle Chen.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Outreach Walkabout on 23 May around Buangkok area

This morning,  SDA team gathered at the Food Court at Blk 275 Compassvale Link for their prep talk, catching up and preparation for today's Outreach Walkabout session. Today's session is anchored by Desmond Lim himself.

The unrelenting rain that had persisted since the wee hours of the morning did not halt even at 10.00am as the SDA team set off for their interaction session. Undeterred, the team braved the rain to continue their fight for their beliefs, just like how they
braved the Sun on other Saturday mornings.

Armed with the Party's Pamphlets, the members penetrated the Food Court and made contact with the stall-owners  and diners. The contents of the pamphlets were being explained after the members introduced / re-introduced themselves and made the diners felt comfortable.

Many of the members of the public had queries on a certain "deliverance" today, and some expressed their views on the use of this interesting analogy.

The SDA members, shadow Town Councillors and DLs' Caring Community members moved from Blk 275 Compassvale Bow to Blk 266 Compassvale Bow, continuing their efforts to share their fighting spirit with the general public, as well as find out if there were any imminent concerns they were having currently.

Then the group proceeded over to Blk 267 Compassvale Bow's Coffee Shop to continuing reaching out to the residents there. Besides the introductions and gathering feedback on living conditions in Buangkok, the members also took time to listen to the residents' views on recent news and policies.

The team also touched base with the owners and employees of the various retail outlets / shop fronts situated along the estate, while they were on the way from one coffeeshop to another.

Today's Outreach interaction session concluded at 11.30am and the members headed for a debrief, consolidating the issues they had managed to collect during today's session.

Today's Walkabout session is covered by SDA's field journalist Elle Chen.

If you have any feedback, suggestions or would like to be a part of SDA or DLs' Caring Community, please feel free to get in touch via email or our Facebook page here or leave your comments on this blog itself. If you would like to be a part of this meaningful initiative, please feel free to get in touch too.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Expecting the unexpected


Since the Prime Minister already says they are "expecting", would it be possible to inform everyone 3 months in advance on the "delivery date" so that we are able to prepare "firecrackers"?